My journey in becoming a Trainer and Exercise Profesional did not start in Sports or Athletics. I began my journey with Music. Throughout High School I had envisioned myself becoming a professional musician, either in a Jazz or an Orchestral group. My life revolved around concerts, practicing, private lessons, and All State competitions and performances.
During my Junior year of High School I was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus or Juvenile Diabetes). I was 16. Although this changed my outlook on life and my health, I pushed myself harder to become the professional musician I craved to be. I began my degree in Music Performance at The University of Oklahoma in 2012, and was engulfed in the life of music.
In Spring 2014 I became increasingly ill and was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. This opened my eyes and created a new found passion for health and fitness of myself and others. I decided to change my major to Human Health & Sports Medicine, and work to become a health educator. I wanted to be a role model for others and teach people that even with diseases, disabilities, and health issues, we can live a healthy and improved life.
I Graduated from OU with my Human Health and Sports Medicine Degree in 2018. I than became a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association at the end of 2018. I have worked at The Health Club since 2017, and have worked alongside a great trainer and my personal mentor, Jack Carter.
Now, as a CPT, I work with Student Athletes, Powerlifters, Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention, Seniors, and General Fitness.
I strive to continue and expound upon my education to further become a great health educator and trainer. I am pursuing my next certification as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). I am also looking forward to the future when I begin working on my Masters degree in the Exercise Science field.