Random Thoughts

Getting Our Athletes Back on Track

We as coaches & fitness professionals have a responsibility to use our skills to build athletes physically, but should be the ultimate goal to build their wellness. The Wellness Wheel is a great way to help see the other “spokes” of overall health!

The world has been on hold for over 2 months for everyone. Coming back will mean changes to daily routines and habits for not only the athletes but thier families. I believe that one of our biggest weapons to get over these trying times is sport and fitness. Let us dive in and look at why this is such a driving forces not only to our physical health, but mental health!

Wellness is multifaceted and means different things to different people. By definition, wellness is..

  • Multidimensional and holistic, encompassing lifestyle, mental and spiritual well-being, and the environment 
  • Wellness is positive and affirming (1)

We as coaches have no problem in helping build up the physical component of wellness. However, we not only have an opportunity to help make our clients / athletes better at their craft, we can also support them in making them better, well rounded individuals. Here is how I look at the spokes of the Wellness Wheel and what they mean to me as I work with my athletes.

WELLNESS WHEEL (Thanks for the graphic @gwynnie1221
  • Intellectual – mindset, ability to question and learn
  • Social – relationships with others, respect to all
  • Occupational – being involved in studies, balance in life
  • Spiritual – highly individualized, tolerant of others & respect
  • Emotional – feelings, reactions; dealing with life challenges
  • Environmental – area and energy you keep around you
  • Physical – habits / lifestyle you practice physically / nutritionally

As coaches, we have the ability to do more than just train these athletes Physically. We have the ability to hit each of these spokes on the Wellness Wheel on a daily basis. Sport is a powerful weapon we have the opportunity to make our athletes more well rounded individuals. We can teach them new concepts and have them questions our reasons / ideas for what we are are doing in practice (Intellectual), we can create a positive Environment for them to foster / build lifelong friendships of people that come from different backgrounds, beliefs, and lifestyles (Spiritual, Social), we aid in time management for the busy lifestyle of todays youth (Occupational) and are there to listen when life gets difficult (Emotional).

Above winning the match, the tournament, championship, or being named MVP, we want to build the athlete through a culture that promotes winning for life. By shedding light on the spokes of Wellness, I hope we all can be better coaches and allow our teams and athletes to win long after sports are complete.


  1. The six dimensions fo wellness:
  2. Howard, Rick. Why Coaches Need to Know About Wellness. NSCA Coach. 2017.

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